星期五,當大家都在說thanks God, it's Friday的時候,我照慣例的還在地獄泥沼中掙扎,因為每週五是公司付帳單的日子,一堆帳單要輸入會計軟體MYOB,當然行政文書作業也少不了,然而在這麼夭壽的時刻,有一張帳單引起了我的好奇,那是一張品名寫著1/2 LEG HAM的帳單,盛惠五百九十五大洋~ 





同場加映中英文版Lamington 的由來(英文版比較齊全)

Lamington 的由來:原來林明頓蛋糕是著名澳洲糕點,相傳是昆士蘭州總督Baron Lamington的家傭,有一次不小心將蛋糕塊掉入巧克力漿中,因時間緊迫,將錯就錯拿給總督,總督一嚐覺得好吃又特別,還要沾上椰絲,免得沾得滿手巧克力,這種蛋糕也命名為林明頓。 在廿世紀初,沒有冰箱保存食物,蛋糕不能久放,很快會變得乾硬,沾上巧克力糖漿,是將它加強吸引力,令隔夜蛋糕變得好吃。

維基百科:Lamingtons are most likely named after Charles Cochrane-Baillie, 2nd Baron Lamington, who served as Governor of Queensland from 1896 to 1901. However, the precise reasoning behind this is not known, and stories vary. According to one account, the dessert resembled the homburg hats favoured by Lord Lamington. Another tells of a banquet in Cloncurry during which the governor accidentally dropped a block of sponge cake into a dish of gravy, and then threw it over his shoulder, causing it to land in a bowl of desiccated coconut or peanut butter. A diner thought of replacing the gravy with chocolate and thusly created the lamington known today.

A 1981 report in the Brisbane Courier Mail states the following: A colleague ... swears this really is how the lamington came about. At one stage when Baron Lamington was Queensland Governor, there was a large amount of stale cake in the Government House kitchen. In an attempt to make it palatable, the cake was dipped in chocolate and then tossed in desiccated coconut. The parliamentarians liked this 'gateau' and ordered their cooks to obtain the recipe from the Government House cook.

Ironically, Lord Lamington was known to have hated the dessert that had been named in his honour, once referring to them as "those bloody poofy woolly biscuits".

Most of these reports amount to hearsay, and some border on the absurd. The most probable version of events surrounds the visit of Lord Lamington and his entourage to Toowoomba's Harlaxton House. An industrious cook, lacking some ingredients, came up with the "lamington". Tea and lamingtons are part of the festivities that follow Australian Citizenship ceremonies.



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