



一去辦公室坐下,當肯就說想不到會這麼快又見到你,然後又說了一句類似:讓我們來解決這件關於你的事件吧(let's solve the incident about "You")。於是我出聲說:I have to make it clear, it's not about "You", it's about "B". 結果當肯就開始限制我發言了。

當肯就讓港仔講當晚發生的事,也沒說要幹嘛,所以以為只是例行公事,港仔就大略把事情經過講了一遍,因為我們以為去談的主題是港仔無端被指控喝太多在睡覺,所以較多著墨在這一點。結果港仔講完後,那個經理就情緒激昂的說很失望港仔沒有講實話,還去拿了監視器拍港仔在拍吧台的畫面,說這是侵犯職員人權的行為!因為他太滔滔不絕,聲音高亢激昂,所以我跟他說please calm down,結果你猜怎麼著?他說他在跟港仔講話,如果我插嘴就要讓我離開辦公室!之後就是他不斷的指責拍照的部分,還說this is a warning from the manager to the member!全部的會談都他在那邊激動,果然是跟瘋子吵架就輸了。

一開始當肯就設計好了,很輕鬆的說讓我們講一下事情的經過,結果當港仔沒有像上法庭一樣完整報告起承轉合,就正中他下懷了,馬上跳起來說這樣他無法相信港仔!他沒有說實話!我後來有說I feel we have been treated unfair.也說If people will get accused by taking photos at the bar, then the club should put a warning sign.但是當肯就是咬定這是常識,也不回應職員用自己手機回拍也是侵犯港仔人權的部分,很明顯就是一面倒的玩針對!整件事起因是那個態度惡劣的賓第,但是當肯卻說港仔來見他的頻率遠超過其他會員,言下之意就是說他愛搞事!但是正如會談(或挨罵)的一開始我已說了the incident is about B,當發覺自己被惡劣對待的時候,拍照或錄音是必要的,這才是常識吧!末了, 他還威脅我們說 you will be watched closely.


還有在俱樂部的term & condition裡面根本沒寫明不準閉眼 不准拍照! 那個經理用一個this is common sense 就可以給人警告?那我覺得痛揍混帳對我來說是common sense
是不是就可以當場痛毆他?整件事情,很明顯就是他們針對我們,弄個莫須有的罪名,任意對我們砌詞誣衊!根本就是他們看你不順眼的話,你一舉一動怎樣都違反了他們的common sense就是了!


English Version

In the beginning of this year, my husband received an apology letter from Darwin Sailing Club, because the bad/rude attitude of the bar manager Bindi. We feel that we have been targeted ever since.

Today we went to the club manager's office and I really feel that we didn't treat fair. And we were set up by the club manager Duncan Shirley.

Saturday night my husband went to the Darwin Sailing Club for a party. It's been a long day because he helped at the sailing course. So he closed his eyes while sat straight on his chair for just 20 seconds, then a bar staff came over and tap him, said you're drunk, go home! They ignored his explanation about the sailing course, jumped to the conclusion & said he's drunk enough, he should go home.

The bar manager who sent apology letter earlier this year (let's call her B) ordered the other bar staffs not offering my husband any drink. So my husband thought she's trying to give him a hard time as a revenge. Then he took a photo at the bar, tried to get the evidence about the bar staff's attitude.

My husband sent an email to D. Today he called and said "As a club manager, I have the right to ask members come to see me". So my husband had to take several hours leave from work. We went to his office and I feel we had been verbal abused.

In D's office, he said: I didn't expect to seeing you so soon. (Neither do I ! Do you think we want this shit? Why don't you ask your bar manager & learn how not to be a racist?) Let's solve the incident about "You". So, I had to say: I have to make it clear, it's not about "You", it's about "B"(the bar manager). Then D raised his eyebrows & said he's talking to my husband not to me! (What a rude axxhole! Are you a communist or what? So only you can talk and you call this is a "meeting"?)

He then casually asked my husband to recall the incident, we thought it's just a routine, like an "opening" of this meeting. So my husband just told him what happened that night casually, I mean we thought it's not like in a court room or police station,  you have to think & talk about all the details like it's an interrogation!

In our version of the incident or our point of view, the reason we're in that office was because the complaint about the bar nmanager. So my husband focused on the sleeping accusation etc. Right after he finished talking, D became quite "heated". He accused my husband that he didnt tell the truth, didn't mention that he took a photo at the bar, So how can he believe what we said? (But at the beginning, you didn't say that you want the whole details! and we're sure your bar manager already told you her version of story, like a real victim!) I think D is waiting for this moment, when my husband couldn't or didn't recall all the pieces of details, then he can get out of the trouble and put all the faults on my husband.

He was almost yelling to us, his voice became sharp and tremble because of emotions. He grab a picture got from the bar manager's mobile phone, which shows my husband was taking photos at the bar. D said it's against the staff's right if we take the photo at the bar (but that bar manager "B" took my husband's photo with her mobile phone as well! and D didnt comment about it at all! He just ignored what my husband wanna say & didn't allow me to talk! Because he knows I am formidable and wouldn't fooled by him.) Then I had to say "Please calm down", but guess what? D said if I keep interrupting, he'll ask me to leave the office!(Now I am sure he is a communist!) I had to say that I feel sorry for this guy. English is my third or fourth language, and he's so afraid of me fighting with him in English so he wouldn't let me talk, ha!

In the whole "meeting", he just talked down to us, like we are idiots. He didn't comment anything about sleeping accusation & bad attitude of B (which is the directly cause of this entire incident). He was focusing on yelling & abusing us! In the end, he pointed to the picture which got from B's phone and said: with this, you'll be watched closely.(Are you threatening us?)

Conclusion? The whole drama is because we are targeted, as only 2 Asian members in that club, we ARE WATCHED closely. We got a big warning by taking the photo at the bar, and what happened to the bar manager who took the photo to my husband? NOTHING!And you believe we are treated fair? D, Yeah! Keep telling yourself that!

Plus, he said it's common sense that people won't take photos there, but you do not have the right to punish people by your so called "common sense"! I read the Terms & Condition of Darwin Sailing Club. It does not mention anything about "no closing eyes in the club" or "no photoing at the bar"! 

I believe that the whole thing is a set up. They do not like you (Asians) in their club, so they have 1 million of "common sense" as their reasons to kick you out!

I feel we are discriminated in Darwin Sailing Club and we will never ever go to that place again! I don't think we would find anyone who can stay impartial on this issue in the club. They are either communist or racist. Honestly, I don't think D would dare shout and use that attitude to other white people. Now I finally know why a friend of mine told me : Darwin Sailing Club is not a very multicultural club.

After abused by D, I wrote a letter to the commodore of the club. Because if members couldn't reconcile with the club manager, another meeting with a third party will be neeeded within 14 days. But guess what? No one contact me after I sent the letter, just like I said, they don't care, no one in that club gives a shit, they just don't wanna know.




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