








I dont know how to comment this, or maybe I was too shock and become speechless!
I wrote a letter to NT News and the acting boss of Darwin CBD police station, because we encountered the most horrible service from a police woman in that station. 
I already called police when I found the car parking behind me hit my bumper and so I got a case number, the reason I went police station is because I couldnt keep waiting, I have been waiting for 1.5hours and have to go somewhere else, so I called 131444 again to see if they could tell that car owner my phone number since police told me they found the car owner and he s on his way to see me and the car.

Anyway, 131444 staff pushed me away and asked me go police station nearby, so I went, with my friend.

That police woman who sat behind counter that night should get fired! I went there with the case number, as a victim asking for help, and in utter disbelieve, she started questioning me, asking whether I saw that car really hit my car. I showed her the photo took from my phone, and she said the photo is not obvious enough and even said to me :" how do I know that you re not lying !" Jesus! Why on earth would I lie about that! Then my friend couldnt bear her attitude and jump out said she saw it (meaning she saw 2 cars actually contacted together), but that woman raise her voice and threating her saying : you know, if you lie, you will get charged!

I totally had enough and said to her : excuse me, I am the victim of a car accident  here and now you re saying we r liars ?! Then zoom in the photo to show her 2 car actually contacted. 

Then , finally she gave me a form to fill up ! So why on earth we had to be treated and questioned like criminals for just getting a freaking form ?! Giving a form and keep ur mouth shut , is not a hard job , is it ?! 

Anyway, I will see what NT News and her boss gonna do then decide if I file an official complaint to her!





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