





接著就問她,為什麼認為我是中國人呢?結果她的回答徹底暴露了她是個毫無國際觀與常識的死白目。她竟說因為我看來不像澳洲人(她指的是我不是白人)所以我一定是從中國來的 -_-b。


我給氣樂了,就問她,那還有新加坡人跟馬來西亞人呢?她才宛如當頭棒喝~ 雖然她最後說如果冒犯了我而跟我道歉,但這已經不是第一次,被其他國家的人(尤其是歐洲人)武斷的被歸類為中國人。真的是煩不勝煩! 每當這種情況,心裡總想對他們大吼:你們這些吃屎痾飯的,亞洲國家中除了中國,難道就不知道還有其他國家了嗎?!


在此呼籲歐洲人士(還以為歐洲人會看中文逆~), 請收起你們的自大與傲慢!出外旅遊能增廣見聞,但在見聞增廣前,請謹言慎行,多聽少說!不要以為黃種人就全都來自中國,這樣只會突顯你們的無知愚蠢。

According to my experience as a sales in clothing shop for 4 year, I have to say that, I really cant believe there are still so many non Asian peope seeing ALL Asians are from China! And most of them who really upset me are French females.


Do you know that the theft cases happened in our shop, most of the worst ones are committed by French young female backpackers, and 80% thieves are Europeans. That makes us always keep eyes on whenever young French speaking girls are in the shop. 


So many times that I got offended by snobby Europeans, thinking Im from China and show no basic mannesr and non respect at all!


Below is the status I post on my facebook this morning. Exactly shows how snobby Europeans easily offend an Asian by assuming ALL Asians are from China. Well...that probably the only country you know in Asia, but sometimes just the lack of common sense and being not sensitive really makes me wanna grab my hair and shouting. Lets have a look what I post :


"Good on you! As a first customer, you upset me already! Assuming Im from China and asked big discount saying doesnt this mean good luck giving first customer discount in CHINA? And saying the freaking boomerang is from after collected money from her, I asked her from curiousity, why she thinks Im from China, then she said, because you doesnt look like Australian (I think she means Im not WHITE) for European, then you MUST from I told her: what about Singaporean or Malaysian ? And same here, to us all Western people MUST from United your American, arent you? I was saying like making a joke, but she did say sorry if she makes me upset (yeah, sure you did!) . 


Maybe you also dont know that thinking all Asians are from China is very racist. Just like not all Western people are from United States, I know Canadians dont like peope think they are Americans. Maybe you cant tell the difference, like I cant either, but we can always being humble and sensitive.


For those who just wanna keeping thinking ALL Asians are from China, when you come to our shop, please just SHUT your mouth up and keep shopping ! You can think whatever you like and it would be better if you just keep your stupidity to yourself.



    asian europeans china racists

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